ComutaNet and Campus Media celebrated Women’s day

ComutaNet and Campus Media took advantage of Women’s Day to celebrate the achievements of women from all walks of life. “Women’s day gives us the opportunity to celebrate the strong, talented and intelligent women at the core of this company and their ongoing accomplishments,” says Terence Marsh, CEO of ComutaNet and Campus Media.

Inspiring women from ComutaNet and Campus Media shared their nuggets of wisdom as to how they have conquered the corporate world while maintaining the special essence of being a women.

Things are certainly changing in the corporate world, and GM of digital media and marketing, Karen van Wyk, explained: “As much as men have incredible business minds and we would never discredit them from that, the platforms for women to rise up to the challenging business world have widened immensely. Women bring a great twist to the corporate world because we’re sensitive to people feelings and have the ability to balance getting the job done, while keeping our staff motivated and happy.” Krista Moore, sales manager of Campus Media agreed and noted that more women are moving into positions of power because of their ability, knowledge and experience.

But there’s a common misconception that a woman has to be a ruthless dictator in order to get to the top. “Rather be who you are. And trust me, you’ll be respected for it,” advised Moynene Baumann the company’s marketing manager.  “As women we should embrace those qualities that make us who we are, and often, these are the very qualities that lead to a healthy working environment, resulting in optimum results from your team.”

Marita de Wet, static outdoor media manager, also cautioned: “Women in the corporate world should take care not to misuse their femininity to achieve a certain outcome, as this may derail us from our path of professionalism and acclaim in the long run.” But on the same note, Author Marianne Williamson once said: “There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We’re all meant to shine, as children do. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

So it’s about finding the right balance. But work/life balance is also crucial, yet many women still struggle to find it. “We’re expected to multitask, but without energy, rest and support, we burn out!” added Jolanda van der Merwe, GM of activation. No one can be productive when feeling fatigued and stressed, so Jolanda suggested taking a few minutes of a day to do something uplifting. “Whether it’s a cup of your favourite tea or reading a funny email which makes you laugh, do it! Your colleagues will understand, because they often need these time-outs too.”

“Every SuperWoman needs to charge up once in a while. But it’s often easier said than done, so you have to actually make an effort and set this time aside for yourself,” added Kiyasha Singarum, sales manager of ComutaNet activations.


Each of these incredible women has made a name for herself within the industry, and continue to inspire others to do so too.

“My message for women is: Dreams come true for those who take deliberate action toward a well-defined goal. Live intentionally and have blue prints to your goals. Focus and planning is the art to achieving any goal,” said production manager,




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